
XP-Potty Training

Good morning, I have a 19 month old. I am looking for answers to potty training questions. I would love your opionions or recommendations for reading or researching! Addy started expressing interest in Pee Pee and Poo Poo at the begining of Jan. We bought her a potty and a book (she loves her "Once upon a Potty" book) and her interest has continued. We have not been pushing her too hard, just encouraging her interest. She has been going around the house without a diaper when we are home and often says pee-pee and then goes and sits on the potty but nothing comes out. Well last week she went pee-pee (we let her pick out a star and stuck it on a piece of paper that we have hanging in the bathroom). Since then she has been going pee daily. This weekend she went poo (1x) and pee fairly often. Now to my question (finally). She doesn't tell us she needs to go if she is wearing a diaper or pull up. So should we put her in underwear during the day? My parents watch her 3x a week while I work and don't really like the idea of her running around with a diaper. So I just need to know what next!! Ideas?
BabyFetus Ticker

Re: XP-Potty Training

  • Around that age we put a potty chair in the bathroom and they would sit on the potty before bath.  DS would always go and DD would sit for a second and then jump up.  I always praised DS and told DD to try again next time.  We didn't actually PT until they were 2.5.  DD finally went potty after offering her a sticker so they got a sticker each time they pottied and two stickers for pooping.  We went straight to underwear.  No pull-ups, but diaper at nap and bedtime.  They are no PT overnight also.  IMO she's to small to really start PTing, but you can introduce the concept.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • I re-read and it sounds like you're on the right track.  Sorry I didn't see she was actually going and letting you know.  Yeah!
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
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  • I'd put her in underwear. She may have an accident here and there for a few days but I think that may be it. She soundsl like she's pretty aware of when she has to go and actually likes the potty so I'd just go for it. If she hates it and it gets worse, I'd go back to the diaper until she's ready but it sounds like she's ready.
  • it sounds like she is ready and I would put her in underwear.  Just let your parents know and make sure that they have plenty of extra clothing for her, but if she is showing that much interest and telling you when she has to go unless she is wearing a diaper or pullup do not use them.........go to undies and don't look back
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