I had an EKG..that was wierd. My blood pressure is very very high, and they are worried that my heart skipping the beat is the reason why I get migraines. So I am off to the cardiologist at 12. Without a 3 year old this time thank goodness. That didn't go so well. lol
But I'm not dying, I can't be taken out that easy haha
Re: update...back from docs already!
I'm glad you went. I hop everything goes ok at noon.
Keep us posted!
I've been having these wierd heart flutters, I forget about them when I don't have them but lately it's been more and more. I happened to be on here last night when I had a lot in a row and asked if anyone had them before and then was convinced to go to the drs.
sounds like they'll be able to treat you easily! hope you feel better and take it easy!
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
apparently- don't!
I ignored them too, but last night I had more than usual.
Holy crap! I hope they have some treatment options for you, poor thing, that's scary.
High blood pressure alone would freak me out, let us know what they tell you. You need some major stress relief! Hugs to you...
An occasional PVC is normal. Most people don't even know they're having them. A run of PVCs can indicate a problem, especially combined with high blood pressure. I wouldn't run to the doctor or anything right away.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13