
My Strange Children


Previously, Sam was vying for more stickers, Bryan was teething and biting Kori, Brett was tired and oblivious.

Imagine if you will - Saturday.  Sam, sick and miserable.  She cuddled with Kori all day and watched Finding Nemo "where's Dori? Is she still in da egg like Nemo is?".  Kori started to wean the FeralBeastie, aka Bryan.  Brett did housework while Kori tended to the little ones. 

Sam, on yet another ploy for stickers, pooped on the potty and got 5 stickers.  Brett went to a friend's house, leaving Kori home with a sick kid and a teething baby, but returned and helped in the morning, thus redeeming himself.  Sunday at Grandpa's house Sam decided to use the potty twice of her own volition (picture toddler finding the stepstool, dragging it to the bathroom herself, and trying to set it up). 

Everyone down for dessert and out of nowhere Sam says "Probably I should have a bib on".  Polite toddler?  Ploy for stickers?  We may never know.  Tune in next time to find out.... 

Re: My Strange Children

  • Yay Sam!  And when you said you started to ween, I thought, "Wait.  How old is he?"  OMG, he's going to be 1 next month?!?!
  • Joseys, I know, when the heck did that happen??!!!  I'm freaking out now 'cause I have no idea wtf to do about his birthday party LOL

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  • Target had some really cute party stuff in the dollar section.  It was all primary colors with owls. 
  • ooh.  Creepy, how did you know I've been drooling over all the new owl clothing/etc lately?  lol

    I've been thinking surfer/summer stuff, and do picnic food.  Heck I dunno.  Mostly I need to get the invites out, SOON.

  • I figured you were the owl type! Smile

    The beach theme would be cute, too, and easy since stuff for that is easy to find.  And isn't his room surfer theme? 

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