

For the past couple of days, maybe a week or so, I have been feeling my heart flutter. It will do it quite a few times in a row and then stop for an hour or so. It's the wierdest feeling. Could this be caused by stress?

Re: question

  • It could be caused by stressed but that would freak me out.  I would call my doctor tomorrow.  At least get it checked out.
  • I always feel like I am over reacting to something that is no big deal. So I wait for it to not go away for like a month and then I go, but it's been really bad tonight, so I think I am going to go get it checked out.
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  • Good!  Let me know what the doc says.  I hope it is nothing.
  • I had that for awhile and it turns out it was stress related but luckily not my heart (just felt like it).  I got a prescription for a muscle relaxant and that helped make it go away. 
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  • Have you had your thyroid checked lately? I get palpitations when my thyroid is too low. Other symptoms include difficulty losing weight/slowly gaining despite efforts to lose, dry skin, constipation, fatigue and hair-loss, among other things.
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  • Purff I just actually had my thyroid checked last month as part of our TTC workup and it was normal, I just checked the paperwork.

    It's just wierd, it doesn't hurt or really make a difference in what I do beside the face that I can just feel it. The only way I can explain it is when you first first start to feel a baby kick...but in my chest lol

  • It could be stress..but i also wanted to add that my mom has a thyroid issue that tested normal for years..but then she finally went to the right doctor, who actually listened to all her symptoms when she told him..he said, no matter what the bloodwork shows, this is definitely a thyroid issue, and he put her on meds. She felt GREAT after that and no more palpitations, and none of the other unpleasant symptoms. So it might be worth a second opinion on the thyroid as well. GL in any case!
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