
Would you buy off craigslist if you needed the seller to ship?

I found a Phil and Teds sport with the doubles kit on craigslist for $375, but its halfway across the country. I contacted the seller because my brother lives about 2 hours away to see if it was still available. He said it was and he could look into shipping it if I'm interested.  DH says I shouldn't do it cause its too big of a risk that I'll send the money and then he doesnt ship it.  But it seems like such a good deal for a Phil and Teds. I've been looking for a used one since before DD was born and I hate to pass this up.


Re: Would you buy off craigslist if you needed the seller to ship?

  • I'd see if your brother could meet him halfway.  You don't have the recourse with craigslist like you do with ebay.
  • I wouldn't feel comfortable buying something so expensive without being able to look at it. I also wouldn't trust a craigslist seller. This person would also have to know exactly how to pack it so that it doesn't get damaged in the process - not something an every day person would know how to do if they don't do it on a regular basis.

     Lastly, I think the cost of shipping something so large and heavy would offset any savings for the cost of the stroller itself.

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  • No- you have no buyer protection (like on ebay).

    i'd wait for one to be listed in your area - or get it elsewhere... i'd never deal with shipping via craigslist.

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