
Spelling question for Emerson

I always spelled it that way and then someone on here pointed out that the son part on the end of the name means son of _____ indicating a boy name and they suggested Emersen.

So how would you spell it?




I don't really like the syn b/c it looks so much like sin and I'd rather that word not be a part of DD's name!

I really think we have our name.....Emerson/sen June. We both love it and keep coming back to it!


Re: Spelling question for Emerson

  • I like Emerson. Emerson June is really pretty. Will you ever use Emmie as a nickname? My DD is Emily and we call her Emmie or Milly a lot=)
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  • Purrrf: My Mom has been calling this baby Emmie from the get go. She knew that we liked that name early on and had her heart set on it and been referring to her as Emmie ever since!
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  • I prefer Emerson - the son doesn't make it a boy name to me (just like Allison or Madison.)

  • I only like Emerson of the 3 spellings you listed.  The other two look misspelled to me (especially Emersyn).  Emerson June is a beautiful name!
  • Oh that's a good point Kissing. I never thought there was anything wrong with Emerson until that one poster mentioned it but I hadn't considered there are many other girl names spelled that way!
  • I like Emerson the best. ?It is traditionally a boy name, but I think enough people are using it for girls that it's pretty much gender neutral. ?It's a nice name. ?We would use it for a boy after DH's grandfather, but BIL already used it as a middle name for our nephew.
  • Emerson. I saw the -son thing on Baby Names and I just think it's silly.

  • We're spelling it Emerson.
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