
Curious: Moms of 2 who want a 3rd, what spacing

do you plan on having btwn 2 and 3. What seems ideal to you?

Re: Curious: Moms of 2 who want a 3rd, what spacing

  • My first two boys are two years apart.  I plan on having a third when my youngest is about three.  I just think three is easier, you can reason with them to a degree, bribe them, threaten them :)

    And my youngest will be in preschool as well, which will make pregnancy and infant hood a little easier I think.  I have high risk pregnancies and usually end up on bedrest so it would be easier if they are both in school at least a portion of the day :)


  • My first two were 20 months apart and that was actually so much easier and better than I ever expected. We planned on considering a third when our oldest started Kindergarten, so ideally, #2 and #3 would be 4ish years apart. However, God had different plans for us! Now our second and third children will be 2 years and 2 months apart. Although it wasn't our plan(which was more of my husband's plan), I'm happy with the spacing. I will be glad to have them close together.
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  • We are going to start TTC this summer, so #2 and #3 would be 2.5 years apart, #1 would be 4. 

    I'm thinking it will be good b/c #1 will be potty trained, sleeping in a bed, in pre-school, pretty independent.

    And I don't want to wait too long, DD is the baby and I don't think she will like her place as baby taken away.  So I think the older she is the harder it will be on her.

  • My first is my SD -she is 9, my DS will be 3 next week (they are absolutly in love with each other btw.) When this baby is born -fingers crossed it's sticky, DS will be 3.5. It is a perfect spacing for me. I work fulltime (a pretty much opposite schedule of DH) and I just know that for me, my family and my happiness and sanity I needed them a little father apart.
  • If and when we have a third I'll space them out more than my first two.  Three years or more!
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  • We were hoping for about 2.75 yrs between #2 and #3 but I had a m/c. ?Now we're hoping to have #3 around the time #2 turns 3 years old. ?My first two kids are 21.5 months apart and that was tough. ?I wanted the next further out from #2.
    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
  • My first two are 10 years apart.  We plan to have #3 when #2 is between 2.5 and 3 years old.
  • I wanted them closer to 3 years apart, but instead they'll be 18 months apart. ?I am a little scared. ?:)
  • I don't plan on having a 3rd but if I could I would do about 3.5 - 4 years apart.  My girls are 6 years and it is great but slightly closer would be a bit better. I like having enough of a difference that you don't have 2 kids in diapers or preschool at the same time. I also like being able to have the other children in school or preschool when the next comes because it gives each child time to have mom to themself.
  • I am hoping 2-3.  Probably closer to 3 because I don't want 3 in highschool together.

  • my first two are 11 1/2 months apart.... I want my oldest to be in preschool and potty trained...we plan on TTC early 2010, so my oldest will be 3 1/2, and my second 2 1/2.
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  • #1 and #2 are 14 months apart.  #2 and #3 will be around 14 months apart also.  I loved the spacing for DD and DS but I think it will be crazy with 3.  We are going to have more kids but we will be waiting at least 3 years.
  • My kids are 22 mos apart.  If we have a 3rd, it won't be until #1 is in kindergarten.  So, about 3-4 yrs. between #2 and #3.  I don't think I could have #2 and #3 any closer.  I couldn't handle 3 being that close in age again.
  • Mine are 16mo apart for #1 & 2, and 14mo for #2 & 3 :)
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