
CIO with a 3yo = not fun.

So, Luc's been getting up in the middle of the night and trying to get into bed with us.  Usually I can just take him back into his room and he'll go right back to sleep.  The other night he didn't and ended up keeping me up for 2.5hrs.

Last night when he didn't go right back to sleep, MH & I had decided to put him back in his room and essentially let him CIO. 

Trust me, CIO with a child who cannot yet talk is SO much easier. 

After 1hr and 20min of screaming & crying he finally went back to sleep.  He was screaming things like:  "Momma, I need water" or "I need to go potty" or "Momma/Daddy help!" or "Puppy/Monster (our dogs) help!" or "I'm stuck!" or "Daddy, where's Momma?".  It totally broke my heart, but made me laugh a little, too.

I was wondering why he didn't just open his door & come back in his room, but it turns out he locked himself in.  When I checked on him this am, he was in his bed, sound asleep.

Ugh, I hope we don't have to do that again.

Re: CIO with a 3yo = not fun.

  • DD hasn't connected that she can open the door without permission.  If I say come out, she will come out, but otherwise she will stay in her room and cry or yell at me.  "I am stuck" always gets me.  She knows I will come in for that one. 
  • oh boy thats rough.  can you try a babygate in his doorway and keep his door open?
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
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  • OMG! Our kids must have spoken before going to bed. Mine did the exact same thing!!! My favorite

    "Mommy, don't you love me"

  • Awe, that stinks!  I don't like it when I have to leave G in his room crying either.  It doesn't happen very often or for very long but it still stinks.

    BTW, are going to the GTG today?  I'll be there, I can't wait to meet everyone!

    Mommy to three adorable boys!
  • imagesunshiny79:

    BTW, are going to the GTG today?  I'll be there, I can't wait to meet everyone!

    We'll be there!!

  • ugh i am so sorry and i agree with you. i just told dh the same thing last night... it was much easier when dd cried. last night she yelled " daddy coming to get you please" a million times... she said she hadd boo boos needed a sippy and that she wanted to come in mommys bed. it broke my heart and made it worse. then i looked on the monitor to see her standing in the crib with her pillow in one hand and her doll in the other waiting for one of use to get her ( she is still in a crib - she is 22 mos) . why am i dtill having sleeping issues? ugh! i hope you little guy sleeps better tonight : )
    mila belle 3.26.07 and isla leighton 5.12.09 image mila belle aka mimi and belle and miss isla aka ileigh : ) pregnancy calendar
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