I am letting that new Coraline movie freak me the fuuck out. And I just need to stop thinking about it - but I'm a crazy pregnant lady and I can't.
1. The whole story/plot freaks me out.
2. The button eyes thing makes me sick.
3. The fact that it's rated PG and small children will see it makes me sad.
4. I don't want there to be an evil version of mothers and I don't want my dd to ever believe that!
5. I do not mind disturbing elements in movies at all, but I think the whole premise of this has just made it something I can't see right now.
Re: Attention Self: Calm the F down!
I'd never seen/heard the name Coraline before this movie, but I loooove that name and told DH I want to name our DD (if ever) that and NN her Cora....It's probably a phase and will pass, but right now, I love that name.
oh and in re: to you OP- yes, thats sad/creepy that theres an evil side to all moms- i didn't know that's how the moive played out...