
so I made the call for S to get a speech eval.

I actually did it yesterday. we went to the pedi for a f/u on S's ear infection and I discussed with the pedi again about S's lack of words.?

S understands everything you say (follows multi-step directions) she just doesn't have the words and when she babbles she gets very frustrated that we don't understand her. ?

so--I have set up for an audiologist eval (at pedi's request) to check her hearing and for a speech eval. the pedi and I discussed it about 6 months ago but now that she's 2 it's time for this. I am trying not to freak out. ?

Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image

Re: so I made the call for S to get a speech eval.

  • (((hugs))) Don't freak out! This is a good thing!

    ETA: I mean the fact you're getting her evaluated and will get her help if necessary, NOT the fact that you can't understand her. I hope that was clear but just wanted to be sure!

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • It's going to totally work out fine.  I'm sure she's great, but just in case, it's awesome that you're taking the steps to help her out early.  :)
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  • thanks femme. I know its a good thing, I do. It's just I wish we didn't have to and there wasn't an issue. kwim?
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • Don't freak out!  It can only help her and you to have a professional tell you if there is or is not a problem.  I felt so relieved once I had Kate see a PT about her gross motor delays.  It is better to just KNOW than to wonder, and if by chance she does need speech therapy you'll feel better just starting the process. 
  • Yeah don't freak! Cameron had EI to get him talking, and once he caught on- I missed when he couldn't talk! Granted he's 6 now, but he came home from school today and told me that he was undeniable the most excellent speller in his class. And last week he had found a solution to a problem..some of the things he comes out with! So yeah, don't freak.
  • imageminnasmommy:
    thanks femme. I know its a good thing, I do. It's just I wish we didn't have to and there wasn't an issue. kwim?

    Aw, I can understand that.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Benjamin totally exploded after he turned two...get the evals to rest your mind, since we KNOW her hearing is fine, and sit back and wait for your chatterbox to start talking NON-STOP.


    "Mommy, I'm a robot who is going to attack you because you drive better than daddy ." (with a laundry basket on his head, waddling around)

    Yeah, those are the things I hear now....

  • you girls are right and I know its the right thing to do. I mean if she needs speech therapy I am 100% invested in it.
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • Aw, don't worry M!! I know it's hard, but it's a good thing and everything will work out just fine. :)
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • Before Will had his tubes put in, he didn't babble or anything.  He couldn't hear.  The hearing test was hell to see.  But afterwards everything was great.

    Good for you for being proactive.  Don't freak out. 

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • Oh, and DITTO bubbs on the hearing eval before tubes.  Word for word.
  • I agree with the other posters.  You are right on top of this and with some assessments they can work with your family and give you suggestions that will help to increase her speech.  I work closely with Speech, Physical and Occupational therapists and I see amazing results. 

    I think you'll be very relieved after you begin the whole process, you'll have a talker in no time Big Smile

  • (((HUGS))) I know it is hard, as parents we just want our little ones to be perfect:)  The good news is her receptive language is good, that means a lot! I am sure she will have a language explosion soon. You are a great Mom for getting her the help she needs.

  • Henry was evaluated this month and qualified.  His total language score was too high (verbal low plus receptive very high) but some speech clues/identifiers qualified him. One clue was groping, where I try to get him to say a word and he works his mouth and nothing comes out.  Also much of the time when we try to get him top say anything he says MMM, MMM, (like when you are saying no with your mouth closed, opposite of uh huh.)


    He gets speech twice a week and this was his first week.  We are thrilled because he has a great teacher and there's no way this can hurt, only help.

  • Don't freak out - you just want what's best for your baby and are following your gut.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • have you tried teaching her sign language?

    DS is speech delayed (no auditory problems, can follow multi-step directions, understands everything but like your DD, has very few words and babbles in babytalk) and we began teaching him sign language ... the difference is astonishing. He communicates better and has fewer tantrums. We started with signing time and branched out to baby einstein and a few other videos that incorporate signing.

    We also enrolled him in a music class, but I'm not sure that's actually DONE anything for him.

    We'll probably get him re-evaluated again within the next 6 months if he still isn't talking (we've been assured boys are slower than girls) ... but I have a feeling EI is going to be in our future too.

    GL! It sucks to feel like a "parenting fail" because your kid doesn't talk. Believe me, I know.

  • at 18 mons Noel said about 2-3 words. The dr said I needed to get her into speech therapy.  I held off because I knew I could do any activity the speech therapist could do with her myself.  I said I would give it two mons (until Thanksgiving).  By the end of that two mons she was talking so much more.  And now, she has word bursts all the time!  Today she said Saleena.  But she still doesn't say milk. 

    i feel for you.

    mom to Noel 3.17.07 Morgan 4.9.08 Taylor 10.27.10 Baby #4 Due in July mc 2.3.06
  • Don't freak.  There is probably nothing at all wrong with her.  Some kids just take longer to put together all the pieces.  It is better to have her hearing checked and make sure than to wait.  In 3 months, you will look back and wonder why you worried at all.   My friends little boy really said not much at all until after 2, now, at 32 months, he can talk circles around my DD.
  • This happened to DS at his 2-year appt. (He will be 3 in May.) He had numerous ear infections, and the pedi felt as if he should be saying more words. We took him for hearing tests to rule out hearing loss, and he did not have hearing loss.

    Our county provides services free of charge to help with speech delays. They evaluated him, and in some of the catgories he was measuring as low as 18 months!! I was worried that he might never catch up or that he would have issues all of his life. I remember crying about it.

    Anyway, after 8 months of the county (and us) working with him, he has shown incredible progress. He will be evaluated at 3 years, but he might not need any further help if he shows that he is on par with other 3-yr-olds. He has someone come to his daycare every week for an hour to work with him, and a speech pathologist comes every 2 weeks.

    Hopefully your area has something similar. It has been totally painless and convenient. Good luck!

  • Try not to freak out (easier said then done).  We had DD evaluated at age 2 as well.  She understood everything, but just didn't speak.  She only had maybe half a dozen words.  We didn't do any EI, but a few months later her language exploded.  She's three now and honestly she doesn't STOP talking.

     Good luck.  I hope it all works out as well for you.

    DD1 - 12.25.05
    (m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
    DS - 03.15.08
    DD2 - 12.03.09
    DD3 - 3.28.11
  • I was going through some papers tonight and found A's EI evaluation & hearing test results. Looking back I think I was overly worried but it's always good to get them checked in case. It can't hurt anything. Maybe she's just taking things in and will have her word explosion soon. It's a good sign that she understands what you're saying and directions. I'll be thinking of you guys. Good luck!

  • Ditto the previous posters. You are a great mom, and just taking preventative steps.

    Hopefully S will start chatting away soon!


    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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