
Jodi-Can I ask a question?

Aside from the accessories issue, are you one of those people that needs to have the newest thing?  I only ask because that is what my husband is like...and I really, really need to get a glimpse into his brain at this point. 

Example:  He will decide in the morning that he doesn't like our refrigerator, and by evening has a new one picked out...and really could care less if i say we can't afford it.

Re: Jodi-Can I ask a question?

  • I think so.  Hhhmmm....I don't know.  In some circumstances.  But usually, I catch on to trends 1-2 years later.  Vera is so out.  It was so 2003.  I'm just now liking it.

    UGG --- again, 2003.  I'm just now liking them. 

    Things have to grow on me.  But once they do, hot damn, I want IT ALL!!!

    For your husband, sounds like two things --- 1. retail therapy.  It feels good to shop.  So he is convincing himself that he needs something new.  And 2. insecurity.  Has to "keep up with the Joneses."

    Those two things are clearly based on nothing more than what you have said here. 

  • Actually, I think number 1 on the list is over indulged child that came along 10 years after the others.  He always got what he wanted, he is used to it at this point. And even though he tries really hard, he can't seem to break the habit.
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  • Ah yes, I am married to one of those.  Joe and I are BAD when it comes to spending.  Thankfully, my father instilled enough sense in me that I also save. 

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