I went to primary school at Holy Trinity ( now defunct Catholic School)
and General Mclane for High School. (in farm land! we lived in Millcreek, but my parents wanted me to go to GM, because they thought mcdowell was crappy, but I think they were wrong. )
I went to Mt. Calvary grade school that is now closed, and Mercyhurst Prep for high school. GM was a good school- right on 99, right? What year did you graduate?
Did you hang out at Cupaccino's at all? that was our spot- from like 1990-whenever it closed...and the Art Annex and the Continental ballroom until it burned down for the third time...oh...erie back in the day, I miss it so much.
Hahaha! I was kind of a goodie-goodie, but I probably know everyone you know from Mercyhurst. I graudated in '95.
I moved away after college, so I've been gone since 2000, so not sure if those places are still open. I remember cupacinno I think, but I was never there.
I go back a few times a year, but I rarely leave my parents place...there aren't any good restaurants, and the mall is horrid..but we have to see family, I s'pose...
Re: BoF- you're from Erie?!
I went to primary school at Holy Trinity ( now defunct Catholic School)
and General Mclane for High School. (in farm land! we lived in Millcreek, but my parents wanted me to go to GM, because they thought mcdowell was crappy, but I think they were wrong. )
where'd you go?
Matthew James 1/11/07
Did you hang out at Cupaccino's at all? that was our spot- from like 1990-whenever it closed...and the Art Annex and the Continental ballroom until it burned down for the third time...oh...erie back in the day, I miss it so much.
is 1000 French still open?
GM was Booty. I loathed going there. I graduated in 96, I had lots of friends at Mercyhurst, though! Maybe they sold you weed! Were you a bad kid?
Hahaha! I was kind of a goodie-goodie, but I probably know everyone you know from Mercyhurst. I graudated in '95.
I moved away after college, so I've been gone since 2000, so not sure if those places are still open. I remember cupacinno I think, but I was never there.
Matthew James 1/11/07
I moved in 2000 too, now I am in Denver..I like my memories of Erie much better than the reality of it.
All the people I know from Mercyhurst were quite a bit older than me, mostly all of my friends were way older than me, for some reason.
I only get back there once or twice a year now. I usually only miss it in the summer!
That's funny, I didn't know there was anyone else from Erie around here, besides Squishywife.
And now I've officially outed myself as reading posts that aren't meant for me, since I found this out by reading Kori's post.
Matthew James 1/11/07
Ha ha! you're a closet post reader..
I go back a few times a year, but I rarely leave my parents place...there aren't any good restaurants, and the mall is horrid..but we have to see family, I s'pose...