Background - he nurses in the morning, dinnerish, bedtime, and wakes 1-3x a night and nurses then, full feedings. He gets bottles of formula at daycare m-f.
If your one year old was still eating a lot overnight, which feedings did you drop first/last, etc? I know bedtime will be the last I give up, but how did it go w/the middle of the night ?? I'm going to drop daytime this weekend (he's teething & biting me, he's just too farging distracted anymore) and slowly go from there, but....
I never really had to wean DD, my supply just tanked out early and did it for me. And she'd been STTN since 3m old so I didn't have to worry about it.
Re: Stupid weaning question ?
Sounds like DD at that age. Actually, it would still be her now if she had her way. She still wakes up at night asking for mommy milk even though it's been 6 months since I night weaned her.
DD is really attached to nursing in the morning. I think I could wean the bedtime one more easily if I wanted because she always asks for cow milk and mommy milk at night.
I'd probably drop dinner first then nighttime. Can you get your DH to take over at night for a while? Try to offer him water first? Then once you're down to morning and bedtime you'll probably have a better feel for which one he is more attached to.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13