Their is a post on the 0-6 board about paying a priest for baptism. DS's and DD's is Sunday during the church service it will take like 2 minutes. Do we need to pay the minister? We will make out a check to the church like we do every Sunday should we pay more?
Re: Pay minister for baptism?
Typically you give the priest a "donation" for anything like that, wedding, baptism, etc. I don't know if it's the same for ministers or not. For our wedding we gave $100. We actually didnt' give anything for the baptism since the priest is my uncle we are doing something more personal, but I would probaby give $50.
We gave $100 donation
We gave a special donation to the priest for the baptism. There was no set amount, and when we asked during the baptism class, we were told it is common but in no means required. We gave him $100 for our 2 girls (baptized together). We actually made the check out ot the church but my mom told me that we should have given him cash as it should got to the priest (they make so little). We are Catholic.
What baptism takes 2 minutes????