1. What age did you have the evaluation?
2. Did your pedi recommend it or did you take the initiative?
3. What was your concern?
4. Did DC qualify for services?
5. Did you see an improvement with services?
6. What was best tip they gave you for helping your child to talk?
7. Do you think the progress your child made was a direct result of EI or do you think they make have made the progress naturally on their own?
Re: ?'s if your DC has had EI or been evaluated...
1. What age did you have the evaluation?
He was 17 mos.
2. Did your pedi recommend it or did you take the initiative? Nope, I reffered him.
3. What was your concern? He did not have any words, and play skills were delayed.
4. Did DC qualify for services? yes
5. Did you see an improvement with services? Yes, he has been getting services for year. He is doing great.
6. What was best tip they gave you for helping your child to talk? There are a lot of tips really, cant say one was better then the other.
7. Do you think the progress your child made was a direct result of EI or do you think they make have made the progress naturally on their own? I think it was because of EI and his wonderful therapists.
1. What age did you have the evaluation? 4 mos.
2. Did your pedi recommend it or did you take the initiative? The pedi they saw before placement made the arrangements and we decided to go ahead with it.
3. What was your concern? HER concern was developmental delays due to B's hypertonicity and C's hypotonicity.
4. Did DC qualify for services? Nope, neither.
5. Did you see an improvement with services? n/a
6. What was best tip they gave you for helping your child to talk? n/a
7. Do you think the progress your child made was a direct result of EI or do you think they make have made the progress naturally on their own?
1. 23 months
2. Initiated on own
3. Speech Delay
4. Yes
5. Minimal (it's only been 5 months, and last week we changed services)
6. Depends on too many things. Labeling helps some kids, but with Apraxia (like mine) other things help.
7. DS#1 wont likely progress without treatment so I think it's a combination of things.
Natural m/c 3/28/10 5w6d** Natural m/c 9/4/10 5w4d**
BFP: 2/27/12. u/s showed blighted ovum at 9wks Natural m/c started 4/11, cytotec 4/13/12 (at 12 wks). **
First appt with RE 5/7. Testing complete. Dx: luteal phase defect
BFP 10/25/12. u/s on 11/16 confirms heartbeat
1. What age did you have the evaluation? 13 months
2. Did your pedi recommend it or did you take the initiative? the pedi
3. What was your concern? she wasn't able to eat table food and wasn't trying to talk
4. Did DC qualify for services? yes
5. Did you see an improvement with services? yes
6. What was best tip they gave you for helping your child to talk? looking directly at them, putting them item next to your lips while doing it
7. Do you think the progress your child made was a direct result of EI or do you think they make have made the progress naturally on their own? EI until recently. (DD will be 2 in 2 weeks.)
1. What age did you have the evaluation? DS1 was evaluated at 25 months. DS2 at 12 months
2. Did your pedi recommend it or did you take the initiative? Ped recommended DS1 for speech and DS2 for early intervention because of global delays
3. What was your concern? DS1 had a very small vocabulary and was speech delayed. DS2 has low muscle tone and global developmental delays
4. Did DC qualify for services? Both of them did.
5. Did you see an improvement with services? Absolutely! DS1 was recently evaluated by the school district because he aged out of EI. When he was evaluated 1 year ago his expressive language was 18 months and now it's 3 yrs 7 months. DS2 is showing great improvement.
6. What was best tip they gave you for helping your child to talk? DS1's speech therapist did play therapy, which I'm sure is the norm. Play with DC and discuss what you are doing. Also, be a very verbal household so DC has a model in you and DH.
7. Do you think the progress your child made was a direct result of EI or do you think they make have made the progress naturally on their own? With DS1, the 2 hours a week of one-on-one speech therapy they provided was the key. With DS2, I'm not sure how much it is helping yet. Our insurance is paying for 2 days a week of PT also.
Momma to 2 sweet boys!
Lost 65 lbs. on WW 2009-2010
May 7, 2011-First 5k run (a horrendous 13:30 pace, but I finished!)
June 4, 2011-2nd 5k run with an 11:15 pace
Haven't signed up for the next one yet!
1. What age did you have the evaluation? 2.5
2. Did your pedi recommend it or did you take the initiative? We took the initiative ( they daycare also had concerns)
3. What was your concern? He was falling a lot, not steady on his feet or able to keep up with kids his age.
4. Did DC qualify for services? PT
5. Did you see an improvement with services? Yes, he also has to wear inserts in his shoes so this along with the PT is helping.
6. What was best tip they gave you for helping your child to talk? N/A, he get PT
7. Do you think the progress your child made was a direct result of EI or do you think they make have made the progress naturally on their own? EI