Will this guilt now live with me forever?
I feel like a big fat slob today. Regardless of the fact that I am down a pants size, I still feel DISGUSTING. I FELT skinnier yesterday --- before I even knew I was down a pants size --- and I know I didn't GAIN weight overnight but yet I feel like a whale. Know why?
Because I didn't exercise last night. Well, that and I ate pizza (YIKES --- although still didn't go over my points for the day!)!! And I woke up with my period this morning. I knew I was getting it, which is why I was SOOOO exhausted last night (hence why I didn't work out) but now I feel like a big fat mess. And I only missed ONE night. Will I forever have to deal with this guilt/feeling now if I miss just one freaking day?!?! I don't like this!
Re: Girls that workout
Jodi, Jodi, Jodi. Don't make me kick your ass.
Everything in moderation. It's okay to miss a day. And, it's okay to eat pizza. Being too extreme will not allow you to make it a lifestyle change. Stop it.
And congrats on the pants-size drop! Success takes time.
Court -- you know this is going to be my biggest struggle. I don't do ANYTHING in moderation! Either I don't do it --- or I do it to the Nth degree! ARGH!
Eating that pizza last night --- I KNEW I was not going to be happy with eating it. However I was supposed to go out to dinner last night (I was SUPPOSED to have a tuna steak covered in everything seasoning. YUM!) but plans got cancelled. So I was stuck with what Joe had prepared --- and since I wasn't supposed to be home, he made the kids DiGiorno pizza. I could have had a Lean Cuisine --- and I knew that --- but because I had only ate about 500 calories yesterday (compensating for my dinner that I thought I was going to have), I figured I could indulge in pizza. Anyway, the point of all that --- I ate two pieces (normally I would have had four) and it felt GOOD to be able to stop at two. To actually THINK about what I was eating, focus on whether or not I was full, etc without just diving in for more. So that was a bonus.
But I still feel disgusting today!
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
Pizza is delish. Being able to stop at two, when you want more is AWESOME. You need to get better at patting yourself on the back for every success.
Stopping at 2 was your success for the night! Do an extra five minutes on your next workout. I promise, it didn't set you back at all!
Self defeat! ARGH! Ok, I AM proud that I stopped at two. I'm going to think of this as a GOOD thing and not a "I can't believe I ate pizza" thing!
50 more crunches tonight!