
Anyone's almost 7 month old still waking multiple times

at night? ?Good almost 7 month old DS is still waking at least 2 times a night, but usually 3 times a night and wants to nurse. ?He was getting up just once for a little while and then he would occasionally fall back to sleep, but then he got a couple teeth, now has RSV and a double ear infection and is getting up 3 times. ?Anyone else?? ?

Re: Anyone's almost 7 month old still waking multiple times

  • I am sure his illness has alot to do with him waking right now. Heck my 2 1/2 year old wakes multiple times when shes sick. But to answer your question, when dd was healthy she began sleeping through the night around 8 months. Before that she would wake at least once or so a night. Maybe try not to feed him everytime he wakes, rock him, or give him a paci the other times. GL!
    *Corrina born August 30, 2006* *Kaya born August 6, 2009* brimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My TWO year old is still getting up multiple times most nights (a day older than yours). At 7 months he was definitely still nursing at least 2-4 times a night.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • imo..most 7 months old are still getting up several times a night...I know both mine were.
  • Thanks for your responses ladies. ?DS1 woke once a night to nurse until he was 11 months old, so he's the only one I have to compare to, so was just seeing what others had to say. ?There are some nights when DS2 will wake 4-5 times and want to nurse. ?Thanks again.
  • I would say the RSV and ear infection are to blame - they get so uncomfortable lying down when their ears are infected and I'm sure the stuffiness from the RSV makes it hard to sleep too.  When DS had ear infections, a lot of times I would sleep in the glider in his room, holding him on my lap, so he would be upright.  It was a little uncomfortable for me, but at least we both got some sleep.


  • My 2 year old still gets up a couple of times at night. When she was a baby - she would get up at least 3 times to nurse too.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • My daughter was up at least 2-3x a night to nurse until 14 months, and just started STTN a week ago (17 months).
    3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
  • My 14 month old woke multiple times a night until just a few weeks ago. ?Now it's once a night most nights, and we're very happy with that. ?At 7 months, he was a terrible sleeper.
  • DD nursed every 3 hours around the clock from 4-12 months.  When she was sick or teething she nursed more at night too.  After 12 months it was generally 1-2x a night, more if teething or sick, until I night weaned her at 26 months.  She still doesn't sttn, and she still sometimes wakes up asking for mommy milk.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • DS nursed constantly at that age.  The only way I got any sleep was by cosleeping.
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  • Oh man, I guess it was wishful thinking that he'd only get up once a night like his brother! ?Thanks for all your responses.
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