Anyone not planning on sending DC to preschool? I am not decided yet (DS is not even 2 yet) He is not in daycare but does have exposure to my neighbors kids and I watch another policeofficer from dhs dept kids a 2 days a week as well. Maybe it is a selfish decision but I feel like he will be in school for so many years as it is that I want as much time with him as I can get!
Did anyone wait until after 2 to get a big boy bed? DS never tries to get out of his crib so I feel like I would like to keep him in there as long as possible! Are there any drawbacks to this? TIA!!
Re: 2 random ?s preschool and big boy beds
My son will be 3 in April and he's still in a crib. He sleeps very well and I just don't see the need to mess with it!
As for nursery school, I'll send him 2 mornings/wk in the fall. I want him to have the socialization but also be in a classroom setting without me. I think it will be good for him
DD is 20 mos and was just moved into a "big" bed on Monday b/c she climbed out of her crib the day before. She's not a good climber, so I was surprised (I caught her ON the rail as she was going over) and didn't want to risk an injury. I didn't want to move her this early.
As for preschool, I'm really torn. I'm a SAHM for a reason. I am going to do a lot of research into the matter before I decide, and if she goes, it certainly wouldn't be until she's 4. If the only benefit of preschool is the socialization, I'd rather she be enrolled in classes - ballet, soccer, art, whatever I'm also going to research Montessori b/c that's what I went to. I just hate to start the school experience so young - she'll be in school for a very long time.
We are still debating the preschool issue. We definitely will not send him until he is almost 4 yrs old and even at that point, I'm interested in checking out the Montessori schools in our area because I think that could be a unique experience. We will continue to participate in a couple organized activities that DS enjoys and we do lots of playdates etc.. Like you, I want to ensure that I don't rush him into standard school. But, I do think he'd enjoy that type of thing and that is why we will continue to look for classes etc that are of interest to him, but I like the idea of developing areas that won't likely be focused on in a traditional school setting.
DS is 2 yrs and 4 months and still in a crib. He likes it and I'm terrified of messing up his good sleeping habits (it took us a long time to develop those!!)