I'm 20 weeks along with my 2nd DC and having some weird pains in my very low abs. and groin area. With my DS I don't think I had them until my last month. Is this another one of those typical things that start earlier with each pregnancy after the 1st? I've had some of these pains in my vagina as well, but most are right where my belly starts to jet out from my abs. Any thoughs-I don't think it is round ligament, think I remember those great feelings-this is different. Its probably normal-but I wanted to ask. TIA
Re: 2nd preg. pains
i think it may be round lig. pain. I've had them really horrible this go-around.
Thank you to those who posted replies. To answer your questions-I had DS vaginally and they are not as bad as contractions. An example would be today when I got up and walked for a few hundred feet. My belly felt like it was going to fall down and my crotch (excuse the word) felt like it was just a constant ache/pain. I feel like I have to hold up my belly or it will fall-and I don't think that I'm that big yet. Maybe it is RLP?!?!? This pregnancy has definately already felt much longer than the 1st though.