
Help - rash after MMR & CP vacc?

What did the rash look like? Did they have a fever with the rash?

DS got his exactly 10 days ago. He does not currently have a fever but he has suddenly developed a rash that looks like red spots all over his stomach and back, a couple on his arms, and up his neck. Not really any on his legs. It deosn't look like a hives rash, but more red spots. Is that the MMR rash or something else? I'm a little freaked right now.

Re: Help - rash after MMR & CP vacc?

  • I don't think it's the CP vacc - DD had a rash and swelling just around the injection site with that one.  She didn't react to MMR so I'm not sure about that - good luck!
  • Our MMR rash was like that, just lots of red dots like hives....lasted 3-4 days. They told me later that it isn't supposed to show till 7-10 days post vaccine....nice info when we were 8 days out :) It was harmless for DD she itched just a bit, used hydrocortisone on it.
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  • Has he had a fever in the past 10 days? Sometimes for no real apparent reason kids can get rashes just like you are describing after having a fever (usually within 10-14 days). As long as it isn't bothering him and there are no other symptoms then just let it go.
  • DD had a similiar reaction to MMR vacc exactly 10 days afterwards.  She also had a low fever.  It lasted a week. 
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