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How are the boys?
RSV bites. Dr. Turner said that it's been going around the area like wildfire, and I guess she's right. Between M, K and my mom, it lurked around here for more than 3 weeks.
J is getting better but B is getting worse.
It does bite but they're relatively healthy so it won't be as bad as it is for some kids.
This winter needs to be over because I'm done with the illnesses and with the cold. I need playgrounds and pools.
Yeah, Matthew wasn't anywhere near dangerously ill, just coughing up a lung and being a booger machine.
K was a mess, though. RSV can be pretty awful for newborns. She was soooo good. I was the one who felt worse. :-(
D took the boy to the park the other day, and it made a world of difference in his mood.
Re: >>> winery <<<
J is getting better but B is getting worse.
It does bite but they're relatively healthy so it won't be as bad as it is for some kids.
This winter needs to be over because I'm done with the illnesses and with the cold. I need playgrounds and pools.
Me with my littlest.
Yeah, Matthew wasn't anywhere near dangerously ill, just coughing up a lung and being a booger machine.
K was a mess, though. RSV can be pretty awful for newborns. She was soooo good. I was the one who felt worse. :-(
D took the boy to the park the other day, and it made a world of difference in his mood.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008