ok so we did the tylenol and I gave it an hour and the fever never went down at all. I was doing a cool cloth trying to cool her down but she wanted no part of it and was actually upsetting her too much. So we called the on call nurse and she said to go ahead and give her the motrin and to put her in a tepid bath. She said give it an hour and if it doesnt go down below 102.5 to take her to the ER.
So I'm undressing her and I notice about 20 red bumps....looks just like bug bites and they were HUGE and very red....also her cheeks were flaming red too. So I made dh call the on call nurse back while I'm giving her a bath. The on call nurse said it sounds like roseola.
She is doing much better we got the fever down to 101 which the nurse said its ok.
Have anyone dealt with roseola? Any pointers or advice?
Re: update on Michelle & roseola question
both times my kids had roseola the bumps came when the fever broke and they were tiny and very close together covering their whole torso...what you are describing sounds more Hive like...the red face could just be from the fever...and my sister used to get hives when she got a fever...idk if that helps...if the fever hasn't gone down then I doubt it's roseola...good luck!
When DD had it the rash did not show up until the fever went away. I'm not a doctor, but we were told the rash comes after the fever is gone. So, this would not sound like roseola. How high is her temp? I guess I could look back at the posts to see.
I hope she feels better soon!
Are there any other signs? Check her mouth. How do her eyes look? I'm asking because it didn't respond to the tylenol.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
with my dd the red bumps came when her fever broke. lasted about a day and she was acting much more normal after the 3 days of really high fever. if the fever goes down and she seems better i would just keep an eye out for the night, but if the fever spikes or she seems lethargic i would bring her to the er asap. i hope she feels better. roseola scared the crap out of me. my dd had a fever of 104.6 with it!
Kate never got the rash, but when she was about 9 months she had a fever that didn't respond to Tylenol ranging from 103-105 for six days (I freaked the heck out when I saw 105 on the thermometer!!). They said it was probably roseola or a similar virus. They said the rash would show up when the fever broke, if it was roseola. She just got another random virus a couple months ago...same thing, several days of fever over 103. My pedi checked for UTI, ear infection, and pnemonia, and when those were ruled out chalked it up to a virus.
Hope Michelle feels better soon!