
"1-2-3 Magic" anyone?

DD1 is now in dire need of discipline.  I probably waited too long, but I guess now is a good time to start.

Anyway, i watched this DVD and thought this guy made a lot of sense.  So, a few days ago I started it on her.  She looks at me like I'm nuts when I count her.  And when I put her in her time out spot, she never sits there.  Today I was continually putting her in the spot for over an hour.  She never did manage to sit there for her two minutes.

Any tips for me?  How long does it take for her to finally get what I'm doing?

Re: "1-2-3 Magic" anyone?

  • The only thing that gets my dd to stay in a time out is a timer.  I too spent hours putting her back to in a spot over and over again.  I grabbed the timer off the fridge and said " don't move until it beeps" and it worked.  now when she needs a time out she will sit as long as I set the timer.  If I forget, she will not sit there.

    Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image
  • What about trying a visual timer?  You can probably get one at any teacher store or
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  • our pedi recommended that.. we were already doing it anyway.  around age 2 dd started testing out the whole time out thing... I got really frustrated with her for a bit.... when it got to the point where I couldn't take her ... I'd put myself in a timeout. lol. I'd put her in her childproofed room, shut the door and go sit in quiet for a couple of minutes. that hurt her feelings more than having to sit in a time out spot.  She came around evenutally though. just took some time.  Age 2 is tough.
  • The visual timer works great in our house. I put Jack in time out for two minutes last week and told him when the oven beeps (I showed him the sound) then he can come off the chair. He leaned around to see his dad and told him that he can come off the chair when the timer beeps. I recommend this method.

    The timer also works well for hand washing. Or rather when your child won't stay out of the water. Jack gets the two minutes to wash his hands and then he knows he has to stop when the timer beeps.
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