Hi ladies,
I just wanted to say thank you all so much for your kind words, prayers, love, hugs and support for us. The boys have been admitted to Univ. of MD hospital as of 6pm tonight and it's been miserable. They refuse to eat and missed a feed. It took two hours after their physical intake exam to calm them both down and convince them to sleep. The only way they will sleep is either in their car seats or their bouncies (which I'm so glad I brought with me).
We are waiting for the nurses to come in and put in a NG tube down their noses for a continuous feed and we will stop all the bottle feedings until further notice. I have issues with this already, but the actual GI doctor and OT and Speech Therapy won't see them until tomorrow morning. I'm also not happy with the way the residents aren't thinking clearly because they didn't realize the formula room isn't open and no one told us what to bring so I only made one set of bottles because I thought the whole purpose of this admission to the hospital was to feed them and observe. They actually asked us to drive home 45min one way and get our cans of formula to use. CRAZY! In the end they've decided to use a different formula all together, Alteminuium (sp?) because they have it on hand, but I'm so pissed that they wanted us to go and get our cans. And the stupid resident didn't realize that the formula we've been switched to is prescription only so we'd have to get it from a pharmacy anyway. And they assigned two residents to us both working on both babies, but they did their own physical exam individually so the whole process took twice as long and freaked Evan out so that he was inconsolably hysterical. I had to demand they stop and give me a chance to calm him down.
I also have major issues with this hospital. They have a very bad security process, basically non-existent. The security guard is just one guy, but the lobby is huge and really crowded all the time. They made my DH get a badge after we'd already been admitted but never asked to see his ID and gave him one for me when he asked without even trying to verify if I was a real person. There's no buzzer or sign in station to get into the Peds department either. There's nothing to stop someone from waltzing in here at all. And while the boys have ankle bracelets, they are just paper and I accidentally pulled it off once already.
It's going to be such a long night. A long 4 days. At least that's all I hope it is....
Re: Update on Cameron & Evan
I'm so sorry that you guys are going through this. And that really does suck about the security. Hopefully the next 4 days go by quick and the boys start eating.
If I was you I would write down all the bad things etc and this way if someone asks you or if you get one of those surveys in the mail you will still have everything fresh so that they can make changes. I would complain to someone about the security issue though.
BIG Hug...keep your chin up, write down all your concerns and address them in the morning with the DR who is IN charge...I know it sucks and I'm so sorry. I hope that this situation is resolved so that Cam and Evan can get better and you have less stress. Thanks for the update.
I am so sorry to hear about your little ones. I know how difficult it is to have a little one in the hospital. I think it is a lot harder than you would have imagined it to be let alone you have two of them in there!
I saw your post the other day about how you are wondering if it might be an allergy of some sort. I belong to a yahoo allergy group here in MD called S.A.F.E. in Maryland. My son has an egg allergy and I have been a member for about 6 months now. There has been a few times that people have posted similar situations as yours requesting feedback. I am not sure what the outcome of those posts were but I thought maybe you might want to join the group and see if anyone has any feedback or thoughts. For me it has been extremely informative. Have you thought about maybe taking him to Hopkins to see Dr. Wood (pedi allergist). I know you were not crazy about the hospital but he is EXCELLENT! I really hope the can give you some answer and you can get your babies situated and back home as soon as possible. Good luck!
Are the boy's ankle bracelets alarm detective? I totally see your worry.
Um...wow...I'm SO SORRY this was your first experience. How unprepared of them!
I really hope the GI, OT and speech can make a game plan for you guys today!!! KEEP US POSTED!!!
(Alimentum formula...stinky winky...I want to know if the boys tolerate it...Jax regressed on it)?
Oh, I am sorry to hear about your first hours there. Awful. And that security system they have in place? Wow, pretty bad. I am praying that they get answers quickly and get you guys home. It makes me sad to think how worked up the boys got from the examination.
My girls are on Alimentum. Sweater is right, it STINKS like wet cheesey crackers. But it has made a big difference for my girls.
Please keep us updated when you can. (((hugs)))
Bummer that they were so unprepared and booo on the security!!
As for the residents..it is as simple as demanding to see a "real" doctor and getting the nurses on your side. They need to be sensitive to what is going on and they get overly aggressive with exams. I delivered at a teaching hospital and had to go to L&D a few times before hand and I put my foot down on trip #2 when I had was tired, in pain and frustrated with all the residents.
Good luck, lots of hugs and keep us posted!
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Ah man! I am so sorry. I am appalled by the security system. We had to show ID badges like crazy when our LO were in the hospital even though all the security guards recognized us. Had to be buzzed in through a secured locked door with cameras everywhere.
Your babies are lucky to have you as their advocate. Dont be afraid to say what you know is right and demand the attention your babies need and deserve. I agre with pp, write down every concern you have and be sure the DR's are aware.
GL, and big hugs!