So DD (who will be 2 in 2 weeks) has decided now is the time to become a picky eater. That girl used to eat nearly everything we put in front of her. Now it is a struggle at almost every meal. So the foods I know she will always eat are: hot dogs, animal crackers and vanilla pudding. She does pretty good with most fruit too. She is good about drinking milk most of the time, water sometimes and juice occassionally. She will sometimes eat yogurt and mac and cheese (2 things she never refused before) and veggies (was good about these too).
But seriously no chicken, ham or most red meat (sometimes she will eat some hamburger with cheese on it). And when she does eat it is a few bites. So what do you do with your picky eater? And any suggestions on things I can have her try that are good for her?
I know she won't starve herself but I am getting tired of fighting this battle! TIA
Re: I now have a picky eater
DS would not eat any meat for a while and he still is mostly a vegetarian. I give him eggs and beans for protein. He loves chick peas, black beans, kidney beans.
I just try to give DS different things and I am prepared to offer something else if he won't eat what I give him at first.
Some of his favorites are grape tomatoes, blueberries, avocado, peas, corn, peaches, hard boiled eggs, whole wheat bagel with laughing cow cheese, mini quiches, grapes, edamame (he loves these).