Yaya! Today my DD made two steps in the right direction. This moring I put DD in her swing & usually I turn on the music and mobile just so she has something to listen too. Well today I did the same, but this time, DD actually found the mobile! She was "watching" it move around & seem fascinated. This is the first time she's ever done this & let me tell you I've been waiting! Also, I put her on her Tummy Time Surfboard Mat for the first time today. I've noticed within the last couple of days that she has been trying to lift her head up a little awhile relaxing on mine or my DH chest. After I laid her down, it took a little while, but she lifted up her head & turned it to the other side! I know these may seem like small things, but to me, they are HUGE. I've been watching her so closely to see how far behind she is from her actual age, that when I saw her doing these things for the first time today, it made me feel a little better about how she is progressing. I just had to share my good news with someone & I thought you ladies would understand! Thanks!!
Re: Yaya!
IVF 1=BFP, beta #1 8dp5dt 24, beta #2 12dp5dt 50, beta #3 14dp5dt 88.9
Weishaars' World