

For the moms whose DCs have been sent to the hospital for RSV:

How was your child acting before they were admitted?  What visible symptoms did they have, and what criteria did your pedi have to send home vs. hospital?

My DD has RSV, and she seems pretty sick.  We took her to the pedi today.  We were sent home, but would have been sent to the hospital if her oxygen level was 1 point lower than it was.  Even though Katie is a bit older (just turned 2), I'm still worried, and I want to be sure I know when to call pedi back, if necessary.


Re: RSV ?

  • Your poor kiddo!

    I would look for any signs of difficulty breathing.   If she starts pulling in to breathe (meaning that you can see the area above her stomach going in significantly) or her nostrils are flaring.  Those are signs that she is having trouble.  If she is weazing and it sounds really bad - that could be a signal to go in.

    Basically I would look for any signs that your daughter is feeling worse or having more trouble breathing.  If that happens - call right away.   If it happens in the middle of the night - go to the ER.  It's better to be turned away than have to be admitted later for a worse case.

    Take care and good luck with your little one.

  • Riley just got discharged - we spent the night there.  She was wheezing and having a lot of difficulty breathing.  Initially they couldn't get her levels over 85% so she spent the night for observation but even though she was still wheezing she kept her levels over 90% overnight so was discharged.  I hope she feels better soon!
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  • Thanks ladies!  She is a bit better today.  Her fever has come down significantly, and her check-up at the doctor's office was good.  She even slept some this morning.
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