
Boys & UTI's

Hi all, I don't post very often, so just wanted to say hi.

Anyways, my 13 mo. old son was just put on antibiotics for a UTI. He was having a fever, diarrhea, lack of appetite, & some blood in his urine. I can't help but keep thinking that this was somehow my & DH's fault since a lot of what I keep reading states that it can be a physiologic problem (I don't think it's this since he's very healthy otherwise), or that it can be due to a lack of hygiene etc. We give him baths every 2-3 days, change his diapers every 3 hours or so (we use cloth.)

I just feel so bad for my poor boy & I feel like a bad mom for letting this happen to him since, boys especially, are not as prone to UTI's as girls. When we told my MIL about this, she acted all snotty like it was something we did stating, "oh, I didn't think boys could get UTI's. How did this happen?"

Has anyone else's DS had a UTI or would be able to enlighten me more on this subject? Thanks!

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