
"Big girl" furniture

Where did you purchase your DD's "big girl" furniture?  I am struggling to find a set I like that is not ridiculously expensive.  Our second child is due in May so I need to get on the ball!  Thanks!

Re: "Big girl" furniture

  • I'm not sure where you live or what stores you have near you but we got DDs bed and dresser at Jordan's Furniture.  We bought one of their "value priced" sets.  Its not entirely hard wood so it was much less expensive.  They offer the same style in all hard wood for almost 3x the price.  You can see the bed in my siggy.  The dresser is a 3x3 drawer matching dresser with a vertical mirror.  We got everything for under $700.
  • Well right now Ava is in a toddler bed, but I think we are going to check out Ikea.
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  • We got this set at Value City Furniture - not sure if you have any of these stores near you -


    We spent $400 - something for all the pieces shown here and then another $200 - something on the mattress and box springs. 

    Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • imageMrsMandaK:

    We got this set at Value City Furniture - not sure if you have any of these stores near you - We spent $400 - something for all the pieces shown here and then another $200 - something on the mattress and box springs. 

    Oooh, I like that. It would work for a boy, too.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • imageAnnapolisLari:

    We got this set at Value City Furniture - not sure if you have any of these stores near you - We spent $400 - something for all the pieces shown here and then another $200 - something on the mattress and box springs. 

    Oooh, I like that. It would work for a boy, too.

    Yes! It comes in blue and pink as well.  We painted her walls pink and it looks so cheerful and adorable together.  The drawer handles have a cute gingham print on them.

    Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Ohh I need to see if we have a value city furniture. We got DD a toddler bed online (Tiffany cot? by kidcraft- love it!). Now I want to get a white dresser to go with it. Nothing crazy expensive since we will get a big set when she gets a twin in a few years.
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