D.C. Area Babies

Our little surprise has arrived! :)

Audrey Frances was born at 4:26 pm on Thursday, January 22nd. 

I posted a long birth story from the hospital yesterday but it was deleted.  I will try to post one again tomorrow.  Let me just say that after six hours of pitocin contractions, I gave in to the epidural and she was born 90 minutes later!  I am proud of myself for making it for the majority of the labor without the epi, but after six hours I had only made it to four centimeters and was beyond exhausted.  My mom and DH had helped me get through the contractions the best they could, but the nurse kept upping the dosage of pit since it wasn't working well.  The doctor told me it would likely be another eight hours.  Imagine our surprise when I was ten centimeters an hour later and after 20  minutes of pushing out she popped!

Having her was the most wonderful experience of our lives.  Watching DH with her has melted my heart.  We haven't slept in days, but that's ok.  We're loving every minute of being with her.  Here are a few pics of our amazing little girl. 








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