How were your nights?
We had a pretty good night again. Marshall woke up a total of 3 times: once to eat and the other two times we let him cry and he was back to sleep within 5-10 min.
Cecilia slept her first stretch until 3:30 am, ate and went back to sleep until I woke them both up at 6:45 am.
I really, really hope we've had a breakthrough but DH & I both know that sometimes these good nights don't last long and we'll have to take what we can get.
I hope you both had good nights.
Re: **goldenmama & mwilson**
morning ladies. We had a pretty good night last night. Cooper woke up at 2:45 and was starving ( he fell asleep last night and only drank 2oz before bed) and I gave him some motrin. Colton woke up at 5:15, drank a small 2oz bottle and went back to sleep till 6:25 when they both got up.
I feel like we are making progress but am afraid that with me getting them in the middle of the night because of the teething thing they are going to slip back into their old habits.
On a good note naps are FANTASTIC now. Not a tear out of either of them. They play in the cribs for about 20 mintutes with each and then they konk out So they definetly know how to self sooth now!
Glad to hear you guys had a good night. I know the fear of what the next night is going to look like tough because you just don't know yet if you have really broken the boundry!
Hi ladies! I'm glad you both had good nights! Yay! It sounds like progress is being made for all of us. Golden - I wouldn't worry about the teething and getting them quite yet. I can't really attest to it, but I think maybe one rough night is all you will have and they will quickly be back to normal. It's hard for me to say though because my boys are good teethers...knock on wood. They really don't fuss over it at all. We didn't even know Aidan was getting teeth until we could see them. Brody has 6 through now.
I'm happy to report that the boys STTN again. I'm a little peeved by the fact that it took one night of tough love and they're doing this good. I wish I could have been this strong a few months ago, but maybe they weren't ready yet. We'll see though...we're moving back into our bedroom tonight, so we might here them more easily, but praying for another solid night of sleep for mama. I haven't been able to sleep 7 straight hours for over a 13-14 months because I got so uncomfortable with my pregnancy.