1st Trimester

xp: Brown spotting

I'm sorry to be so panicky and such an AW, but I'm a bit on edge today until I get the results of my betas tomorrow.

I just went to the bathroom and had some brown spotting. I got my BFP a few days ago. My doctor's office is closed today (for the inauguration apparently). Should I just wait it out until tomorrow?

I know there are many posts about spotting, but I wasn't sure if spotting usually requires same-day attention. Thanks.

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Re: xp: Brown spotting

  • Some people spot early in preg. I'm sure it is nothing to worry about! GL!
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  • Most cases spotting is normal. I've had brown and pink spotting. I did have some red mixed in my CM. If I were you, I'd try not to stress about it.
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  • I've spotted a couple of times (between 5-7 weeks) but last week heard a strong heartbeat.  some women just spot.  my mom spotted with me.  anytime i do spot i try to take it easy...   stay in bed, and dont do so much.  just rest. 
  • If your clinic is closed, I would wait until tomorrow.  I don't think there's too much cause for alarm yet.  And I certainly wouldn't go to the ER unless you had severe cramping and actual red flow.  Are you at home?  If you are, just lay down for a bit, and try to put in one of your favorite movies to distract you.  I'm sure everything will turn out fine. 
  • thanks so much ladies. No cramping at all, just brown spotting mixed in with watery discharge. Also no red flow. I am at work, but I can sneak out soon and go home and lay down. Thanks again.
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  • I am actually waiting on a nurse from my doctor's office to call me back about spotting.  I know that it isn't uncommon, but it is still scary!

  • I started having brown spotting over the weekend and went in for bloodwork yesterday- my numbers came back just fine at 5,700.  I'll be going back tomorrow morning for another draw, and as long as they've doubled everything will be fine.  I'm still spotting, so I'm thinking it's just the "normal" stuff going on.  Try not to worry, though I know it's MUCH easier said than done.
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