1st Trimester

Anyone taking Zofran?

I started taking Zofran last week Thursday my first dose was before bed.  Friday and Saturday I felt great no nausea or vomitting.  But I noticed on Sunday I started feeling sick to my stomach again and then yesterday I felt even sicker (but not as bad as I did before Zofran).  I ate dinner last night and 2 minutes after I finished I was over the toilet.  My stomach was in pain for the rest of the night.  Then today I wake up and my stomach is fine.  But then I take my dose and have felt a lil sick since I took it.  What I want to know is if you are taking it do you still feel a little bit of the nausea?  I am just worried that this isnt going to work for me. 

Re: Anyone taking Zofran?

  • I take zofran and I had the same thing happen to me. Try drinking more water when you take it. That helped me a lot.
  • Yep -totally normal.  It doesn't make me feel good it just takes the edge off.  I still do feel sick when I take it - just maybe not so sick.  I also feel better when I first wake up (if I eat right away I'm golden - i I let myself figure out that I'm hungry it's sickville).  Night time is the worst for me.  Hang in there.  They say it's only temporary ;)
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  • Yes, you will still get sick on zofran, it does help to "take away the edge" or let you get some food to stay down for a longer bit of time... However, if you are only getting sick every few days, you really don't need to take it at all.
  • Zofran definitely helps a lot but there were still times I felt sick.  I actually found that the more I ate with it the better I felt.  I am noticing that now, if I start to feel sick I usually just eat something small and then I feel fine.
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