Had our first ultrasound!!! Such a GREAT feeling.
His/her little heartbeat was so fast (190 bpm) and everything was measuring "perfectly". I feel like the heartbeat is fast but the technician didn't have anything but good things to say. So I won't worry anymore...haha...because maybe I am causing the baby's heart to race like it's mommy's!!!
Re: There is a little bean in my siggy!!
"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible"--Harry, When Harry Met Sally
I've been seeing that too.....and it said a GIRL!! The Chinese gender predictor said so too....it MUST be right....lol!!
Congratulations, I'm in tears reading your post! DH and I go tomorrow morning for our 1st u/s. We can't wait!
I want a little bean in my siggy too
OMG....I cried the WHOLE car ride there I was so excited and nervous! My DH thinks I'm a total nut job....but now he sees why! ha ha It will be amazing..can't wait to see your "bean" tomorrow
according to the chinese chart i am also having a girl...when i find out how fast the heart is beating i will know for sure!! he he he.....
p.s. you're not a nut job we are all emotional.
Congrats! I just had my 1st u/s Friday! Isn't it the best feeling??
Seriously amazing....we instantly fell in love, I'm emotional again just writing that, but it's so true. Your little bean is ADORABLE..he he