We heard and saw our baby's heartbeat at 6 wks 4 days with a v. ultrasound. Everything looked great, and the doc said he'd see us in 4 weeks.
I still have all my pregnancy symptoms, etc- but I was wondering- is it likely to have a m/c after hearing/seeing a heartbeat?
Re: Heard & saw the heartbeat....
Congratulations! It's an awesome feeling, isn't it?
Unfortunately, I haven't seen anything indicating that hearing the heartbeat indicates less chance of m/c at that time. I did read in a book recently that if you hear it after 10 weeks your chances go down to 5%.
You didn't actually hear the heartbeat. The ultrasound machine takes a picture of the "action" in the heart and makes a computer-generated heart sound. Neat huh? However, you have passed one hurdle, there is a heartbeat. The risk of m/c goes down once you can hear the h/b on a doppler, between 9-12 weeks because most of the vital parts are formed by then. It goes down to about 5% then.
Just some unsolicited advice: don't spend your whole pregnant worrying about statistics. I did, and I didn't enjoy my pregnancy as much as I should have. In my time here I saw 1st tri losses, 2nd tri losses (including an almost-viable twin loss), and several term losses, a few over their due dates. It can happen at any time but chances are, your baby will be just fine
Thanks for pointing that out...I wish more women understood that.