I know it's gross to keep pee-soaked pieces of plastic, but ever since I took the two tests 13 and 12 days ago, they've been sitting on top of the toilet. Every day I'll reach for them to throw them away, but I can't make myself. I think they're a reminder to me that this is real. I have a feeling that it's unsacred to throw them away. Anyone else experience this?
Re: what did you do with your bfp?
I kept mine until the "pregnant" disappeared.
Me Too! Although, I didnt know it would disappear so I woke up the next morrning slightly disappointed. However, my DH did get the video camera out that night so we could tape all THREE pregnancy tests and our reaction. I secretly think he did it so he can mock me later about how I had to take three tests to begin with.
Excellent idea. Going to take a picture now and throw them away!!
Mine still say pregnant!
Why do you care?
And I wasn't going to keep them indefinitely. In fact, as I already posted, they're thrown away.
"You're gonna miss this You're gonna want this back You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast..."
I took a picture of each of the ones that I took then I threw them out
So far Ive kept mine, I keep having to stare at the two lines to feel like this is real! I also took pictures evveeennntually I will toss it. They last for a reallllly long time tho..plus they have a cap on them... its not THT gross jk hahah
I keep having to take the tests to remind myself that I REALLY am pregnant. This is so surreal to me and exciting!
I do have one of my first positive line tests...it makes me smile. I will probably get rid of them all after my first dr appt next week.