1st Trimester

Told parents and in laws at 5 weeks.....

Hey girls....I hope I didn't make a mistake by telling our parents so soon.  We were so excited!  We haven't told anyone else and plan to wait until 10 weeks....Polar Bear Plunge weekend...lol.  Anyway thoughts on telling the fam so early?  Guess it is too late now...right:-)

Re: Told parents and in laws at 5 weeks.....

  • I told my parents at 5 weeks. ?I had a mc in october, and their support was invaluable. ?If I were to experience another loss (God forbid) I will need them again. ?

    We are not going to tell friends or extended family until the 2nd tri.?

  • we told everyone at 4.  we couldn't keep it inWink
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  • We told our family at 5 weeks.  I even told some close friends.  I am the worst secret-keeper ever!
  • We told our immediate family as soon as we found out. ?We figured that if something happened that we would want their support anyway, so why not share the news. ?We haven't told friends yet, we will wait until after we see the OB next Monday.
    BFP #1: DS born 11/07 BFP #2: m/c @ 8w 5d d&c
  • I will most likely tell my mom early on, for the same reasons as others have said.  I dont plan on telling friends/extended family until 2nd tri... but, we'll see how that goes ;)
    DS1 10/5/09 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • we told our parents at 3w4d!  The day we got our BFP.  We m/c late last summer -- and to be honest -- I wanted to share in the joy of "we are pregnant!" with them -- because they would know one way or the other if something were to happen again.  I have told a couple of very close friends -- and will tell the rest of our friends around 12 weeks when we go on a ski trip.  I think you are fine telling them!
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  • I told my parents at 5 weeks as well.. i figure if something were to happen I would need their support anyway. My inlaws know too.. however my MIL is a little over the top excited and going crazy already buying things!! I'm like "whoa, calm down, let's wait until my first u/s before we do these things" I'm just praying daily that everything goes well.
  • We haven't told anyone yet... Our families are in a different state, so its easy not to tell. ?I want to sooo bad, and I know when we do tell them, some (parents and siblings) are going to be hurt (they'll get over it fast) that we didn't tell them sooner.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • We probably would have told our parents by now if we hadn't come up with a cute way of telling them.  We will be telling them in approx 3 weeks. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I told my parents and sisters the day after my BFP. My mom never expected another grandchild, and I figured that even if I miscarried, she wouldn't want to miss out on a few weeks or months of happiness! I'm very glad I shared the news so early with them!

    We told DH's family on Christmas Day - at 7 weeks. The only problem there is that BIL/SIL and DH all have the same friends...and we don't want to announce until we get the all-clear from the CVS. I'm just concerned about them keeping their mouths shut! (SIL was publicly judgemental about an aquaintance who'd had a selective reduction. I can't bear the thought of her holding court and spouting her opinions if we terminate an abnormal pregnancy).

  • I think telling your close family and friends is a lot different than making it public knowledge. We told our parents as soon as we saw them after we found out (which was about 6 weeks because they live 3 hours away)... We didn't tell work/other friends until 8-9 weeks..> I think it makes a difference with your personality too... We are 'open books' and I can't keep a secret... I even tried to keep it longer but people started suspecting and I couldn't lie...
  • I'm pretty sure everyone knows, we tried to keep it a secret but it was such exciting news and it spread so quick. Big Smile
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  • I understand not telling a lot of people, but I think parents are the exception. If god forbid anything happened, you'd want their support.

    That said, we're going to be waiting a little while longer to tell ours, because neither one of our mothers will be able to keep their mouths shut!

  • We told both our parents the day after we found out.
  • I think it's ok to tell anyone early on who you would want to know if you had a m/c. We told our parents as soon as BFP and a couple of close friends. Everyone else gets to wait until 2nd tri.
  • We told our parents immediately at 6 weeks (when I finally POAS'd). ?Now, I'll admit to being an obsessive POASer, so we didn't tell until I had 4 BFP's in a series of 8 different days.?image?

    I'm agreeing with some of the other posters: the support in case anything, God forbid, should happen, I think, is worth the early announcement. ?I had a chemical pregnancy last year, and only our parents knew, and it was comforting for them to know what we were going through.?

  • We told both sets of parents the day after BFP.  We wanted them to know, even if something happened.  I also told a couple of my really close friends (also b/c I was going to be in their weddings while pg).  It was good for us.  I saw that you should tell people when YOU feel comfortable with it.

    We told everyone else after first doctor's appointment at 9 weeks 4 days.  

  • It's not too early if you feel comfortable with spreading the news!  We told our families before I was even 4 weeks pregnant!  Congratulations!
    Wyatt 3.21.07 Grant 8.29.09 Ross 9.21.11 Pregnancy Ticker
  • I told my family almost immediately, about 4 weeks. It was torture even waiting a few days.
  • Thanks so much girls!  I am glad we told our parents and may wait until 2 months to tell friends.  I know one finds out everyone will know:-)  Hope everyone feeling well!


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