1st Trimester

bleeding stopped...also did you bring DH to 1st visit?

Hi everyone!  Thanks for the encouragement about the bleeding during the 1st trimester.  It stopped after a morning of it...whew! 

 Just wanted to know if you brought or were planning to bring your DH to first visit.  Did he stay in the room with you during exam any everything?  Just wondering, planning on bringing mine (I think he's a little nervous).




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Re: bleeding stopped...also did you bring DH to 1st visit?

  • I am happy to hear your bleeding has stopped!

    DH plans on being at EVERY appointment! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • my husband will be coming to the 1st u/s
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  • Glad to hear your spotting has stopped!

     The best argument I've heard for husbands going to the first visit is that this is the longest visit you will have with your OB, and it's the best time for the two of you to ask questions. I haven't heard a convincing argument against it.

    (That being said, DH didn't go to either of my first visits. It just didn't occur to me to ask. He goes with me on major visits...like my CVS in 2 hours and 16 minutes...)

  • My DH did not come this time.  Yours may want to, they may do an u/s for dating purposes.  Mine only came to a few of the others with DS.  They were so short, and it was hard for him to get off work.
  • DH went with me( I counldn't keep him away even if I tried) He was in the room for the ultrasound and left for the exam( neither of us wanted him in there). Then we met with thr Dr. to go over everything
  • My DH didn't go to the first appointment but he will be going to our first u/s on Friday.
  • Congrats on the bleeding stopping! I'm sure that was super-scary.

    My DH did come to the first visit. He was really nervous too but was so glad he came. He got to hear all the info from the nurse on what I could and couldn't do (maybe a good thing, maybe a bad thing - he's on high alert now Smile). He also got to meet the doc and see the first ultrasound. The ultrasound was intenral, so you have your feet in stirrups and the whole shebang. That made DH feel really wierd, but he just stood by my head so he couldn't see the business end and was just amazed to see the baby the screen. He teared up and everything - it was really awesome. He says it feels "real" to him now. If you guys are comfortable with your DH being there, I'd strongly encourage it.

    Best of luck on your first visit!!! 

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  • DH will be at all the appts. I couldn't imagine him not being there. He's as much a part of this as I am.
  • I'm so glad that the bleeding stopped!

    I didn't bring DH to my first appt. It was a pee in the cup appt. They just verified the pregnancy, drew blood, and gave me reading materials. I just bring my DH to the ultrasound appts. I don't really see a need for him to be at the monthly appts since they go so fast.

    Dx PCOS 2004...Married Oct. 2008... Complete surprise BFP on BCP Oct 2008..Amazing, miracle born 6/8/09...TTC #2 since 6/10 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My DH did come to my first appt. He came in for the beginning, left for the exam, and came back in to hear the heartbeat with the doppler. I wanted him to meet our doctor and didn't want him to miss hearing the heartbeat. He plans on being at every appointment. He has a very flexible schedule so that helps a lot. Of course he will be at my first U/S which is tomorrow! :)
  • My dh came to the first appt, but the dr was running over an hour late so I had to reschedule for today. . ..and today he has to work :-(   I will have to tell him all about it..
    baby pregnancy
  • DH went to everything.
    MY FOUR ANGELS... M/C 12/26/02 AT 4 WEEKS M/C 12/31/07 AT 12 WEEKS, D & C M/C 12/5/08 AT 9 WEEKS, D & C ***BFP ON 3/26/09*** MARY REYNA BORN AND PASSED AWAY JULY 31ST, 2009 AT 23 WEEKS. GOODBYE SWEET BABY...I WILL MISS YOU FOREVER. ***AFTER 17 WEEKS ON BEDREST*** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We had an unexpected u/s at our first visit (to date the pregnancy) so I would recommend that your hubby goes to your appointments.  You never know when they might do awesome things like an u/s! 

  • MH came to the first visit with Lucas and even stayed in the room for the pap smear.  He totally regrets that.   But I'm sure he'll want to come to every visit with this one, too.
  • My DH has been to every appointment with me. I will warn you that the first appointment is generally not very interesting. However, I think it's good for DH to be there so he knows what's going on.
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  • DH comes to the u/s part of my appts. Otherwise, he just takes DS and I go to my appt.
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  • DH did go to the first appt. mith me & I let him decide if he wanted to stay in the room during the physical exam.....he said that he better get used to seeing someone other than him being down there so why not!  I think he was a bit uncomfortable at first but after the appt. he said that he was happy that he was there for me & the baby!!  I thought it was sweet!
  • ask what your 1st appointment entails.  My first appt. is just bloodwork and peeing in a cup.  I'm just meeting with the RN.  DH is not coming to that one.  We need him to work and make money.  My 2nd appt. is an ultrasound, I made it so he could be there without missing work. 
  • My husband comes to every appt, and he did with dd as well.  It is his way of being as involved as he can be with the pregnancy.  He works 2nd shift so we have morning appts.

    BabyFetus Ticker Blessed with a girl and boy, number 3 due 5/5/12!
  • I'm glad to hear the bleeding stopped for you:)

    My first appointment is this afternoon and DH is not coming with me.  He can't take off a lot of time from work so I am planning on asking the doctor today what appointments she thinks he should come to.  He is totally fine with this.

  • My DH can't come to the 1st appointment.  He probably won't be able to come to most of the appointments simply because he doesn't have that kind of flexibility at his workplace, and in this job market we don't want his job at risk.

  • Happy to hear no more bleeding. My husband did got to first appt and he plans to go to all other appts. My first appt he had to work late so we just met at OB office and before they started the exam I told him he could go because we had already gotten the u/s and asked questions. But I would bring him to all appts if he can make it!
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  • Yes he has been to every appt. but will not go to any more unless it is something important from this point on. (we've met every doc in the practice and had our big u/s)
  • DH can't take off work to go w/me to every appt. ?He did not come with me to my first appt. which was at about 5 weeks - it was a pap and a lot of bloodwork. ?The doctor said repeatedly that he is invited to all appointments though. ?He came to my last appt. which was at about 9 weeks because we are able to see the heartbeat at that one so that was exciting! ?Now I think he is going to the NT scan with me on 2/6 (I think he is coming b/c I don't really want to do the test, but he does). ?Other than that, hopefully if all goes well - we are only really planning for him to come to the 20 week u/s where you find out the sex. ??
  • I'm glad your bleeding stopped.

    My DH is coming to all of our appointments.

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  • I am glad the bleeding has stopped!  That's always a positive!  As for DH...he is lucky enough to be able to work from home every Thursday, so I make sure that any of my appointments (I have two doctors bc I am high risk) are on Thursdays.  It is fun to share in all the excitement with him since this is our first child.  I am sure that with our other children, he will probably only go to major appointments, but for now, it is nice to have him there with me through it all!  Big Smile
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