DS's bag will most likely need to be replaced when DC2 comes along. Do y'all have recommendations for a bag that is suitable for both toddler and infant needs?
m/c feb 07 ~ m/c twins oct 08 ~ Duncan Thomas: born to heaven 5/19/09 - m/c jan 11
skip hop dash has worked fine for us. dd was 19 m/o when ds was born. I did bf ( so no carrying around bottles, but did carry a sippy for dd and now two sippies , 1 for each dc)
I have a Skip Hop Duo and a Dash. They'll work but for trips to church where we need things to occupy DS, it's too small so we bring his book bag for his stuff. I also think it'll be too small now that he's almost PT and we need spare clothes for accidents too. I want one of the new VB diaper bags.
Re: Diaper bag for moms with 2+ little ones?
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I have it, too, and love it. It even worked when I had 3 in diapers.