So I am roughly 6 weeks pregnant. I went to the ER on Friday with slight spotting. The dr. says I had a "threatened" miscarriage, so just kind of lay low and don't over-exert myself. Has anyone else had this problem and carried a full-term baby? I'm just so nervous about miscarrying now. Thanks!
Re: "Threatened" miscarriage...
Yep I had the same thing. I had spotting from weeks 6-8. When it first started the ER Dr. even prescribed me vicoden saying that he was pretty sure I was miscarrying. Well here I am past 10 weeks with a perfectly healthy baby (so far, still keeping my fingers crossed)!!!!
Your Dr is right! Lay low and drink lots of water! GL!!!
Any time you have bleeding or spotting in pregnancy it's technically called a "threatened miscarriage." So don't let that term scare you. It's just the medical terminology.
I've had spotting and bleeding for 3 weeks now and so far everything is fine with baby. In my case, the bleeding was caused by a subchorionic hematoma which is a blood clot in the uterus. So my bleeding was more than just a little spotting and everything is fine.
DD - February 2011
I, too, have been going through that - just this week in fact. My super-light spotting started a week ago Sat. night and last Sunday I went to the ER and on the medical report it said the same thing. My dr. was really sweet and kept reassuring me that the miscarriage is not an indication of anything potentially happening - I was 5 weeks 6 days. They could not detect a heartbeat at that time, so I have been on bedrest this entrire week, 48 hours after the ER visit, I had my blood levels tested again and they rocked. The next day (Wednesday) I had an ultrasound and lo and behold there was our little buckaroo with a very strong heartbeat. They also found a tear just outside my aminotic sac and they were able to take the measurement. It is not threatening the baby, as long as it does not get larger, but they were pretty sure that is where the bleeding was coming from. So, I was put back on bedrest and I go back for another u/s on Tuesday. The spotting is super light pink and I do not have any cramping (but I swear I am hypersensitive to any ache/pain) and the funny thing is it is just when I is fading more and more everyday. The really funny thing is that my younger sister had the same thing happen during her 7th week and had a beautiful healthy baby girl, and my mom had the same thing happen about the same time when she was pg with my sister. Hope this helps...
jen & baby buckaroo - due September 7, 2009 (Labor Day!)
Wow, this strain has been very enlightening. From everything I read previously - both online, in books and on this board - slight spotting is normal and no reason to panic or go to the ER. I've had it twice (once after sex and once after my pap). It's surprising to see all of these people who went to the Dr. or the hospital for spotting, after so many people posted that it isn't anything to worry about. Now I'm wondering if I should be worrying more about the cramps I've been getting.
BTW, the Am. Preg. Assoc. defines a threatened miscarriage as uterine bleeding accompanied by cramping or lower backache. From that, I would gather that if the bleeding isn't accompanied by those things, it isn't cause for worry.
yup, I have also had a "threatened" miscarriage.
I went to the ER at week 5 for bleeding but everything turned out to be fine. When I told my normal dr I had went to the ER, he said, "now why would you do that? ERs are scary!"
Spotting happens often when the uterus stretches.