1st Trimester

Is anyone NOT constipated?

Before my BFP I was constipated all the time...and now I seem to be more regular when everyone is asking me about constipation...hmmmm anyone else?


"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible"--Harry, When Harry Met Sally

Re: Is anyone NOT constipated?

  • I had the opposite problem in the beginning.  I was on Zofran for a little while in 2nd tri that made me constipated, but other than that I haven't had any issues with it.  *knock on wood*
  • I am the exact same way, before BFP I was lucky if I went 2 times a week now I go almost every day.
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  • I am exactly like you are. Before I was constipated and very irregular...not pleasant. Now I am very regular with softer stools *sorry TMI*. . . .that's one thing I guess it postive for me, lol.
  • I am not constipated. But I was pretty regular before.

     Although my sister was constipated the entire pregnany and she said it was hell. So thank goodness we don't have it (yet).

  • I wish I could say that I wasn't dealing with constipation issues, but I am. ?Thank your lucky stars you haven't had any problems yet. ?My first bout was last weekend and I thought I was going to die. ?My problems didn't kick in until week 12, but the past week has not been fun.
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  • i was really regular before BFP.. then the first week or so constipated a little, and now every morning without fail I have the messiest crap ever. haha. TMI, sorry
  • Im not!!! Im actually more regular now then I was before getting pg.
  • I have been more "regular" pregnant than before BFP.
  • me me!!! i have IBS anyways, but i am crapping my brains out every other day...

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  • Not a problem for me! I always eat a ton of fruit and particularly during pregnancy I eat apples and applesauce every day so....
  • I haven't been constipated until yesterday, but now I'm regular again. I think it's one of those things that only affects certain people, and at certain times during the pregnancy.

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  • Always been regular but for the past few weeks actually going more.
  • I am not. I wrote about this in the other post.  I probably go once every morning and night and it's definitely the opposite of anything remotely solid. It's very weird!
  • It hasn't been a problem for me. I'm getting more fiber in my diet now, which helps. A week or so before my BFP it was a problem tho.
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  • Yeah, I was really bloated and gassy and constipated for like the first week and half after my bfp, but lately, I've gotten so much more regular.  I'm much happier.  But if I eat a regular meal instead of grazing, I get the bloated feeling again.
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • 12 weeks on Tuesday and no constipation in sight. :) You and I are lucky ladies.
  • nope - I'm still pretty regular
  • I am soooo jealous of all you ladies who responded that you're not constipated! OMG it's awful! I was just telling MH that I have to go pick up some prunes or something b/c I can not live like this lol
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  • Thats me! I used to be like a 2-3 day-er ... around 7 weeks I became an every-dayer.. Now if I don't get two solid ones in a day I'm miserable.. Oh and when I have to go, its like bam! I had to go yesterday.. so watch out!
  • I was fearing the constipation that I've heard so much about but it's been the opposite. I'm going like twice a day!  I think I would prefer that as opposed to the constipation.
  • I was definitely, eh-hm "looser" at the beginning. I was told I was crazy/lucky by may women. When I asked my doctor about it he said it was pretty common, but that lots of wome don't talk about it. Rest assured!
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