I don't feel like eating. I'm hungry, but nothing looks or sounds appetizing to me. Anyone else feeling like this? Any suggestions as to what to try eating? I haven't had any actual "sickness" yet, but I feel nauseous pretty much all day.
Good thing something wonderful is coming out of this!!! Lol
Re: Don't feel like eating
that is pretty much how i feel every day. it stinks b/c i get so hungry but don't want anything. i went through a phase where all i wanted was a strawberry milkshake but now that's gone too.
all i found to do was eat whatever sounded the most interesting which wasn't much. one day it was soup, the next chicken etc....
The only thing that I can eat and count on everyday is cereal. My favorite right now is Special K - fruit and yogurt and vanilla almond. Oh, and DH bought some Frosted Mini Wheats Big Bites and I've been sneaking those. That's the only thing I can eat and feel good afterwards. It's all downhill after breakfast.
It is weird, that is one of the signs that I was pg. I was always hungry and PMSing, then all of a sudden- NOTHING. I had such a hard time eating, and the morning of 9 weeks, I started to throw up. Now, it is not as bad (vomiting wise) but now I am starting to get hungry...just cant eat.
I have lost 12lbs since I found I was pg...I just try to drink as much ensure as possible to get some sort of nutrient.
I miss 'liking' food.