
STTN & BFing?

Our DS is starting to sleep for 6 hour stretches through the night-which is great!  However, I am waking up b/c of engorged breasts before he is ready to eat!  Do you ladies have any suggestions on how to manipulate his sleep/eat schedule so that I can continue BFing without loosing my supply?
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Re: STTN & BFing?

  • Maybe try pumping before you go to bed? That seemed to work for me :)
    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
    Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
  • I would also recommend pumping before you go to bed.
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  • Pumping before bed sounds like a good idea.  I did not think of that when I went through this but that would have been great to have for my stash!  I remember when Ryan began to sleep through the night and I would wake up engorged but this only lasted for a week or two.  After that, my supply just regulated.  It is not that it dropped bc I still have plenty for him during the day, but they just don't make as much through the night.  I still am very full when he wakes up for the day but not so much that I wake up before him.  Our bodies are amazing how they just adjust to our DC's schedule!
  • Ditto pp. ?I adjusted just fine and still have enough during the day.
  • I didn't do anything.  Your body will adjust to his feeding schedule.  If you keep pumping at night, your body will keep getting engorged.  I know it's hard to trust yourself after having to start BFing with a pump, but just let nature take it's course.  I did and I still have plenty at 11 months- DS nurses 3-4 times a day. 
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