1st Trimester

So confused....

Okay so I tested 11 DPO & got a faint line, but now I have taken a few more tests (12DPO & 13DPO) & all have been BFN. Did this happen to any of you? TIA!

Re: So confused....

  • Are you using the same brand of test?  Was your urine more diluted?

  • Yeah actually it did happen to me a few months before getting this PG BFP. Of all the tests I've taken it was the only false pos. I've ever had.

    Wait a few more days and test again is all I can say.

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  • I've been using different brands. The faint line came from the generic Target Brand ones. My urine might have been more diluted? I'm really not sure. None of them were FMU. Thanks ladies.
  • If none of them were fmu's then I'd wait a few more days and take it first thing in the morning. If you keep it up every day it's gonna get expensive and stressful.

    I take it you're trying since you know what dpo you are, good luck if that's the case :)

  • I would try with a digital test.

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  • You sound excited so I won't tell you to wait longer to test (many women don't get BFP until 15DPO+).  But I would suggest if you are eager that you get a pack of digital tests and use FMU.  GL!!

  • Are the target ones pink or blue dye?  Blue dye tests aren't too highly regarded on the TTC boards.  I highly recommend getting a first response early result if you haven't tried that already.  Also, no need to wait for FMU, you can just hold your urine for 3 or 4 hours (can't remember which).  Check out www.peeonastick.com.  They have pics of bfp's on different brands that you can compare yours to.

  • Thanks. I will try & wait a few days with FMU. I know it says to use FMU but I get too impatient & take it as soon as I buy it. I know I'm horrible! Hopefully I'll be back on this board in a few days :) Thanks for the responses.
  • They have blue dye.
  • If you take the test when your urine is diluted, then there is not enough hormone in the diluted urine to turn the test positive.  First morning urine is more concentrated with hormone, so there is enough to turn the test positive (if it's there at all).  Use an Early Response test, with first-morning urine, that is your most accurate route at this point.  Waiting a few more days will help as well if you can hold out that long.

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