1st Trimester

can't sleep

for the past few weeks i have had the worst luck with sleeping. i fall asleep early because i am so drained. but i haven't been able to stay asleep. i wish i could blame it on having to pee every 20 minutes but its just not the case. i can't seem to stay in a comfortable position. i've tried everything and all i do is toss and turn and was curious if other women are having these problems as well and might have a few ideas to fix this major problem Tongue Tied

Re: can't sleep

  • Are you me? I have the same issue! I don't know why.
  • I had this problem in 1st tri and I'm sleeping a litte better now...although getting up more to pee now but I am able to fall back to sleep easier.  Good luck!
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  • I'm in the same boat also. Sorry I don't have advice to offer, if I did, I'd be sleeping! lol...GL though
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
  • I also have this issue....it sux a lot.  I haven't found any way to make it better...no position helps and although I feel extremely tired it is impossible for me to sleep.  I usually am up around 2am-4am or sometime in there. 
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I really struggle with this too.

    If I have a nap or two during the day, then I can't sleep at night.  If I have no nap, I get more nauseas and get incredible heartburn when trying to go to sleep, and since I take my pills at night, I usually vomit them and then it takes an hour to settle down and get real sleep.

    I know DH hates it but putting the tv on, volume low, and curling up on the couch usually works for me. I fall asleep somehow and then wake up a few hours later, and usually am groggy enough that I can just get up and then slip into bed. It's just better than tossing and turning and keeping him awake since he works long hours to provide for us.

    Some people read before bed or have a warm cup of milk. I've tried a half of gravol (a motion-sickness pill that usually makes me sleepy and is safe) or eat something starchy like a piece of bread or crackers.

    Good luck! We're all insomniacs together!

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  • I totally agree...I have the hardest time falling asleep/getting comfortable and than once I do, if I wake up to pee...it starts all over again. I think its maybe just because I am so excited and my mind is racing all the time. I have tried not drinking as much before bed and that has helped a little.
  • I JUST started sleeping better this week, I was so relieved. The peeing is still at every 2 hours or so though.
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am the same way and it's driving me insane!  I have to wake up at 5 to get ready for work every morning.  This just started two days ago and luckily I've been off work.  I go back on Tuesday and I'm so scared that I won't be able to function at work. Does anyone know if it's safe to take melatonin?
  • I am sooo comfortable on the couch & nap there wonderfully! But get me in my bed? I just can't get comfortable! I thought this was just me or in my head!!!
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