i am 10wks in my 2nd pregnancy and feeling very depressed. i know it's a very hormonal and emotion time, but i don't remember feeling this down in my first pregnancy. anyone else? advice?
i think you should mention it to your doctor, even if it passes your doc should know so she can check in with you throughout your pregnancy and be sure you are okay postpartum, i do believe it is very normal however and hope it passes quickly.
You are actually at a much higher risk during your second pregnancy to become depressed and/or to have PPD. I was treated for depression for about three months early in my 2nd pregnancy and then again for PPD for about 6mo afterwards. While your depression might not be a long-term issue that requires treatment, definitely keep your doctor involved and let them know what is going on. The problem is actually more common than you think. Keep your chin up and ask for help if you need it!
Re: depression
I haven't experienced this, but have read it's pretty common. You should talk to your Dr. about it at the next appointment.
i think you should mention it to your doctor, even if it passes your doc should know so she can check in with you throughout your pregnancy and be sure you are okay postpartum, i do believe it is very normal however and hope it passes quickly.
take care
You are actually at a much higher risk during your second pregnancy to become depressed and/or to have PPD. I was treated for depression for about three months early in my 2nd pregnancy and then again for PPD for about 6mo afterwards. While your depression might not be a long-term issue that requires treatment, definitely keep your doctor involved and let them know what is going on. The problem is actually more common than you think. Keep your chin up and ask for help if you need it!