1st Trimester

Just when I thought I was passed this stage

of being tired all the time. I slept today from 11 pm last night til dh woke me up at 2 pm. Came down stairs did a few dishes etc then laid on the couch w/ the fur babies . ( where I fell alsleep again til 4:30 PM)  It's now almost 6 I am starting dinner but still oh so tired. I thought I was through w/ this and it gradually goes away by the time your almost in your second trimester. Am I wrong? Anyone else experiencing this again?
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Re: Just when I thought I was passed this stage

  • Wow! There's no way I could sleep that much, especially with DS to take care of. Get it while you can ;)
  • I've still been really tired lately. I try to take small naps from time to time and it really helps; I just make sure to set a specific time period that I'll allow myself otherwise I think I would just nap through the entire weekend and my laundry pile might start to look like Mt. Everest.
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  • I'm still really tired.  2 hours at the mall with my girlfriends totally knocked me out today.
  • I'm still tired all the time, but it's starting to get a little better. I take an hour nap every day sometime between 2 and 4, although that will have to change on Tuesday because classes start again, lol. I think my problem this week has been that it's SO cold out there that any chance I get to curl up on the couch with a blanket and the dogs invites a nice long nap. :)
  • I am due 8.17 also!! And we call our little one peanut!

     I am ma teacher and by time I get off work, sleep is the ONLY option. Weekends have been FILLED with naps. I feel horrible too. Like DH is doing all the work around here.

  • Enjoy the sleep while you can! I am still exhausted all the time.
  • Soooooo jealous. I've had raging insomnia.
  • Yeah, I'm a few weeks ahead of you and I'm still tired all the time.  DH is sick of me being "lazy" - the house is a disaster, but I can't seem to function for more than an hour or two before needing another nap. Sleep

    I'm hoping the energy comes back in the next week or two, but now that the morning sickness kicked in I don't know if that will happen.  I'm hoping the m/s passes soon too - it sucks!

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