

Congratulations girl on your BFP!  That is such awesome news.  Just a question though...have you had your hcg's tested to make sure they went back down to 0?  I tested positive with hpt for awhile after I had my mc (which was really upsetting to me because I knew that the hcg was just "left over" from my mc).  I am not saying this to bust your bubble or anything so please do not take it that way but it just seems so quick after your mc.  I unfortunately am going through another mc so I totally understand the roller coaster of emotions that goes with all this.  I am very happy for you and heres to a happy and healthy pregnancy.


  • I don't know, (believe me I have thought about this and am worried about it!) They sent me for bloodwork right after my m/c but I never heard anything back about it either way. The D&C was at the end of November so I am hoping that it has been enough time to be a real bfp. After the m/c I certainly did not feel pregnant anymore, but within the past few days my boobs have been sore I have been really tired, I am constantly naseous and I have that metal taste in my throat so I decided to test. These symptoms are the only thing that is making me believe it could be true! Plus the pregnancy line was really really dark and I was thinking that maybe it would be more faint if it were leftover? I am going in for bloodwork on Mon so we shall see, but until then I am trying not to let myself get too excited, I don't want to set myself up to be really dissapointed you know? When do you hear back from your doctor on what's going on??? How are you feeling?

  • It def sounds like you are really pregnant.  That is such awesome news.  GL on your test on Monday.  I did hear back from my OB and he said "the writing is on the wall" that I am mc.  Unfortunately, my hcgs are only 495 and they have to reach 1000 to see anything on an US.  So, I have to go get hcg's every 2 days until they reach 1000 to get the US so he can "see where" the pregnancy is. Because if he just did a D & E and the pregnancy wasn't in my uterus and was ectopic (which it may be because a sign is hcg's not even going up 1/2 and mine aren't) then he would be going in the wrong place to find the pregnancy.  This really sucks but it looks like I will not know anything until at least Wednesday or if I start to cramp (doubling over) then it is ectopic and I have to go to the ER.  Its all a waiting game now.
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  • Going through a m/c is the worst, I am terrified of having to go through it twice too, especially with this happening so soon I am worried that my body won't be ready. I don't even know what to say, my heart is just so sad for you, you have been so helpful to me going through all of this. (Hugs)
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