1st Trimester

Boy or Girl?

Hello Ladies!  I am new to thebump and want to say "Hello" and "Congratulations to all!"  This is our first baby and we couldn't be more excited!  To add to the excitment of the birth we are not going to find out the sex of the baby.  Just curious, Is anyone else keeping it a surprise?
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Re: Boy or Girl?

  • Welcome and Congrats! We are going to find out, I am a planner and there is no way I could wait any longer then I have too!!
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  • I'm torn- I want to know but I want a surprise, too. DH wanted to know the day we found out I was pregnant.

    Compromise: get the results of the u/s sealed in an envelope and open it with all of our friends and family at a party (maybe the shower- my sister seems to think that would be the best time).

    I got the idea from another girl here- I *think* it was thatgirlang but I can't remember for sure- she did the same thing with her DH on Christmas morning so they could have surprise together but still know early!?
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  • We definitely want to know.  I am a crafty lady so I plan in making all my baby's bedding, as well as baby blankets, and quilts.  It runs in the family so they too wanna know so they can get started.  
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  • Hi there!  I'm new here too - congrats!  We are not going to find out either.  For us, it's going to be a surprise.  =)
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  • Welcome and congrats! ?We will be finding out the sex as soon as we can. ?I admire people who don't - I just would never be able to do that. ?I can't wait to find out and start decorating accordingly.
  • I am too much of a planner not to find out... I look at it much like our wedding day in some sense... We saw each other before for pictures but the moment walking down the aisle was just as special and emotional. I figured even if I know what the baby is- it was still be magical on the day of delivery and I can plan for its arrival... I haven't found too many neutral clothes for babies out there and want the nursery to be personalized
  • We want to find out as soon as possible. I personally don't see any reason to wait.
  • I really want to find out early, but DH wants to wait. He said that I could know and just not tell him. I said that wouldn't work. I guess we aren't finding out unless he changes his mind.
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  • i *think* we'll wait.  He wants to know.  I don't.  I can decorate and all that without knowing.  i think it is so fun everyone guessing and all.  the chinese calendar says boy, my already motherly instincts say boy.  so we'll see.
  • My DH really wants to be surprised, so that's what we'll do.  I want to know, but I won't be able to keep a secret from him if I find out, so we're going to make it very clear at each u/s that we don't want to know!  There are so few surprises left in life, why not allow this to be a great big surprise?
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  • We can't come up with a good compromise.  I want it to be a surprise but DH wants to know.  So for right now, unless I can convince him to let it be a surprise we are going to go into the u/s and then flip a coin to see if we are going to find out then or wait.
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  • Welcome and congrats!

    We are going to seal the u/s results but open them before delivery. Haven't decided how to do it yet though but we'll plan something fun.

  • We found out with DD because DH really wanted to know.  I really want this one to be a surprise because I love suprises so this time around we are not finding out.
  • I agree the experience will be magical no matter what!  Since this is our first I think it may work to our advantage not to find out, that way we won't get a ton of girl stuff and then have a boy the next time, or vice verse.


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