1st Trimester

Silly Poll: Where do babies come from?

Someone posted something funny on here yesterday about a 1st grader asking how the baby would come out of her tummy.....so in honor of that here is the question:

When you were little, how did you think babies were made and how were they born?  (before you knew the truth...)

(I posted this poll on TTCAL and SAL yesterday and got some pretty funny responses....I thought it would be fun here too.)

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Re: Silly Poll: Where do babies come from?

  • Here is my crazy answer....I think I thought up until 4th grade that a woman got pregnant from french kissing when she swallowed the egg from the boy and then it grew in her tummy.  And then when the baby was born, the doctor opened up the top of the moms head and out came the baby!  Don't ask me where I got that from -- I can only assume someone told me that when I was really little and asked the procreation question.  ha-ha.
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  • I thought women got pregnant when they kissed their husbands for a really really long time. I thought the babies came out of the belly buttons.
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  • I don't remember what I thought when I was little, but when I was pregnant with DS my nieces (who at the time were 5 and almost 3) were playing in the basement and my niece Abigail was "delivering" her doll from my niece Julia's tummy.

    When my SIL asked what they were doing they said, "We're having a baby like Auntie Sara". My SIL was trying not to laugh and said, "How does the baby get out?" and my 5 year old niece replied, "Through the bellybutton obviously". It was so funny.

    Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14

  • I don't know where I thought they came from. ?But I remember telling my sister that babies were installed by a Minister and ?Doctor via the belly button.


  • I honestly can't remembere where I thought babies came from before I "knew."

    But the movie Look Who's Talking really messed me up as a kid. Do you remember the scene where Kirstie Alley is telling her mom she used a sperm donor? Well, in the scene she says they "inserted it" and then she swallows some ice cream. And I thought she actually had to swallow the "deposit." Yeah, totally wouldn't work!

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  • When my mom was pregnant with my brother, she and my father explained things to me (I was 3) and as I understood the concept went like this:  I thought the sperm came out of the man's penis and swam across the bed and into the woman's vagina. I'm not sure if I realized the baby came out there... but I was only 3. ;-)

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  • i knew about the penis & the vagina & how women had eggs & men had sperm (we had a very graphic "How Babies are Made" book when i was little) but i thought moms pooped the babies out- the book showed the baby coming from between her legs- but i didn't get it.
  • imaget.bird:
    i thought moms pooped the babies out- the book showed the baby coming from between her legs- but i didn't get it.


    Me too!  Thank goodness I wasn't the only one! 

  • I don't remember what I thought about how the baby came out, but I do remember this weird thought when I was four or five:  My nanny was pregnant and was taking me with her to an OB appointment, I was sitting beside her in the car and she was drinking a can of coke and she offered me a sip.  I took a drink and then got very scared that I would catch her baby germs and get pregnant.  ha!  I remember knowing that that's not how it worked, but it still worried me.
  • I don't remember what I thought about how the baby was born, but I thought that if a man and woman hugged naked she would get pregnant (like pp, from a very descriptive book). i wasn't that far off, i think one of my friends gets pg that easily!

    when i got my period, my younger sisters (they were 6 at the time) asked my mom if that meant i was pregnant. i thought that was cute.
  • I didn't know how they got in there but I thought they came out your belly button.
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